Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Introduction

Hello there.  My (pseudo)name is The Doctor (a reference to Dr. Who and my chosen career, the non-white-coat wearing type of doctor) and this is my blog about dating, love, relationships, travel, and my journey in the pursuit of an awesome life.  And this is my introduction.

Here's a little bit about myself and who I am.  I'm in my late twenties.  I'm single.  I'm not white.  I live in an unspecified West Coast city.  I'm not particularly rich, but I do own a car, I have my own place, and I've been told I'm pretty handsome and smart.  I read an absurd amount, I love to travel, and I love to write.  Because of this, I usually don't have problems getting dates.  Whether those dates work out, well, that's another story.

Unlike most other men, I consider myself very emotionally attuned, which can be both a good and bad thing.  I also value finding that special someone in my life just as much as I value my professional career.  This means that I feel like I can connect with both men and women, and that I have a lot of thoughts and musings on love, dating, and relationships.

This blog is meant to chronicle my personal experiences in dating, travel, and my (often times) meandering, tragic, comic, reflective, sad, hopeful and adventurous pursuit of true love.  Welcome!